I haven't read anything about David Blaine for a while so I did a quick search last night. What I found? A few things, nothing new, but I came across the card trick that helped him close the deal on his first network tv special : Street Magic.
It must have been good, right?
Effect: You show someone a batch of twenty cards... all different. You give her ten of the cards to hold.
You now have her just think of one of the remaining ten cards. She never says a word. No one except her knows what card she's thinking of.
These ten cards are counted again. Strangely... there are now only nine. The one card she'd been thinking of has vanished! She's still only thinking of her card it's never been named out loud!
She counts the other ten cards she's been holding ten cards you haven't touched since the beginning. But now she has eleven cards! The strange traveler has arrived... her thought-of card is now staring her in the face!
Strange Travelers by David Blaine - Trick seems very appealing to me. What do you think? If anyone owns this, I would appreciate some input
Need more interesting topics on magic.
Hello, I'am George. Visit my website, if you want to learn David Blaine Magic Tricks ( http://www.trucuri-magice.110mb.com/ ). All tricks are video explained, so you can learn very easy. Thank's and have a great day.
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